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Business Scope
of Protective Agency


New building &
dry docking agency


Cargo operation
protective agency


Ship's store/spares
/provision supply

Supply & manage for owner of all requiements such as: Machinery Equipment, Valves, Life-saving equipment, marine & Electric Equipment, other Engine/ Deck stores(ISSP/IMPA CODE)etc For provisions such as: Fresh(Frozen) Vegetables, Fish, Meat, Fruits, Grains, Beans, oils, Milk, Tinned Food, butter & Cheese, Seasonings Cracker Snack, Soft-Drinks, Duty-Free Cigarettes and Alcohols etc.

Ship Stores'logistic/customs clearance and delivery including Medicine, cloth & Linen Products, Tableware Galley Utensils, Clothing, safety equipment, Nautical Equipment, Stationery, Cleaning Material & Chemicals, Paint & Painting Equipment, Lavatory equipment, Hardware, Brushes & Tools, pipes & Tubes, Hose & Couplings, Packing & Jointing, Rope & hawsers, Rigging Equip merits etc.